The session, delivered mainly in English, will challenge pupils to try their hand at translating Dutch texts (e.g. ads, cartoons and/or song lyrics) into English (and English to Dutch). In doing this we shall see how words/phrases in both languages have a cultural impact on the reader/audience. Translating texts such as ads, cartoons, song lyrics, etc. requires a good deal of human inspiration and creativity. We will work with machine translation as a first step and then look at ways in which we can be creative to improve on MT suggestions. Pupils may feel a little daunted at the prospect of translating challenging texts into English, but the tasks will be firmly structured and involve varying degrees of difficulty so that pupils can focus on being creative.
Doelgroep: Secundair onderwijs (ASO): 3de graad
Periode: In onderling overleg
Materiaal: Deelnemers brengen schrijfmateriaal (pen en papier of laptop) mee.
Locatie: In onderling overleg (bv. op school)
Doelgroep: Secundair onderwijs
Voor wie
25 leerlingen
1 lesuur
prijs overeen te komen